Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Whose breakfast is it, anyway?

Junior wants to crawl--but no dice yet. He is getting very angry about it, too. He did manage to back himself up all the way across the rug today. Wrong direction, kiddo. We're still waiting on those top teeth to come in. I was convinced they would appear a week or so after the bottoms came in (that was the week before Christmas), but no dice. He prefers to feed himself, and is getting pretty proficient at it. This morning he ate a big piece of sausage by taking tiny bites with his bottom two chompers.

After Junior stole my breakfast sausage, Munchkin stole 1/2 my light english muffin. She ate about half and licked the peanut butter off the rest, then returned it to my plate. I have a couple of hungry birds on my hands!

Munchkin must be growing. She ate a whole cheeseburger last night, and about 16 chicken nuggest/fish sticks the night before, plus green beans and a pudding cup. On the way home from school the other day, she told me "You need to be careful now mommy, you need to stop" as we approached a red light. She also has the habit now of telling you how to answer, e.g., "Are we going home, Mommy? Say yes."

Did you see the dog houses, Mommy? Say yes.
Can I have a snack, Mommy? Say yes.
Are you going to work, Mommy? Say no.

Too funny.

Hubby brought Junior to my office for the first time yesterday. He was a charmer, as usual. Smiled big shit grins for everyone. Hubby rearranged my furniture for me.

Also, Junior smells like a french fry. He has a little spot of cradle cap. Treatment generally involves baby oil, of which I have none. Not to be stopped, however, I used vegetable oil. 'Cause, why not? Worked well, too, except I can't get it out. I washed his hair like 4 times, and its still greasy. And he smells a little like a french fry, which is ok, because nom, nom, nom on those chubby cheeks anyway. He also looks a bit like we've put "Dapper Dan" in his hair.

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